commentary on the fig tree metaphor
Written by Laura Elliott
Image courtesy of Luc Cooper
Sylvia Plath’s fig tree metaphor, as written in The Bell Jar, is a beautifully cynical view about the many options that life has to offer. I sympathize with her thoughts, since as a college student there’s an overwhelming pressure to choose the path you’ll follow for the rest of your life. Questions overtake every thought. What career should I have? What am I good at? What makes the most money? What makes me happy? What will my family approve of? There are simply too many choices, and it feels as if the first choice must be the right one.
The way I see it, each branch on the fig tree represents a potential life path that leads us to a goal or desire. It’s easy to wander down a path with blinders on, as if all the other branches don’t exist. That the first path you commit to is the one you must pursue. But I prefer to see all the branches as intertwined. They overlap and interact, and we have the power to cross over whenever we want to. In a way, you can choose every fig. No one choice is the right one. Let in every experience, interest, desire, and opportunity. Embrace them all because we aren’t defined by a single career or pursuit. Although realistically you won’t become a famous artist, musician, or athlete all at once or even at all, you should allow yourself to take part in the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. You can doodle on your homework, drum your hands on the dinner table, or shoot hoops with your dad. Incorporating your passions into everyday life, even in a small way, fights the feeling that choosing one fig means abandoning the rest. Embrace change instead of fearing it.
The great thing about life is that we are in control. If you don’t like something about your life, then change it! Sometimes we get so set in our ways that we don’t realize that we have the power to change. If you don’t like your major, change it! If you realize you only have your job to get the approval of others, then change career paths! Lately I’ve been questioning whether I should be studying my media arts production. I’m not sure yet if it will take me anywhere or if I’m good enough at it. But it gives me comfort that we are ever-changing beings who have the ability to learn and improve. No matter what major I choose, I will learn from it and isn't that the whole point. We are so afraid to pick the wrong thing because of our fear of failure, but it’s okay not to be good at everything. Learning discovery, curiosity. Aren’t those the things we should strive to seek out. Even if you’re not necessarily good at something, you can still enjoy it. You can still paint that canvas or pick up that pencil because success doesn’t always equal happiness. Don't let the fear of failure constrict you because once you open yourself up to all opportunities, you will flourish. New figs will bloom. So, take a chance and trust that you’ll be okay.